Review: Beyond: Two Souls PS3

I have been playing A LOT of games the last few months, it’s insane. I finished Beyond: Two Souls, The Last of Us, and Heavy Rain. And I already started with the new Season from the Walking Dead Game. But it’s never enough, isn’t it? I already have my eyes on a few other games. I used to hate the PS3. Now I feel guilty that I ever said that. So let’s start with Beyond. A little pearl between all the games.


Beyond: Two Souls

The first moment Beyond started playing, my jaw dropped from the amazing graphics. I had to reply the first scene, only to be surprised by it again. But what is the game about?

You play Jodie Holmes. A girl who, since her birth, has a special gift. She is attached to an entity, who she called Aiden. It’s an entity who only Jodie can see. In the game you play 15 years of Jodies life — but the story is played in a random order. You go from little Jodie, to teenage Jodie, and back to little, and then going to an adult Jodie and back to little Jodie, etc. This creates a lot of questions with the person playing the game.

Beyond: Two Souls feels like a movie that you control. Through out the game you have to make (difficult) choices that can change parts of the story-line. But in the end, you decide the end of the game.

Jodie is played by the actress Ellen Page, and the resemblance between the two is amazing. A few other known-faces you’ll see are: Eric Winter and Willem Dafoe.

More Like A Movie?

Beyond feels more like a movie. But it will never get boring. There is action in it, drama, creepy scenes and moments where you’ll have to hold your breath because it’s so exciting. You get to fight, you get to do things. But you also get to cook dinner (Or you can order pizza), and play the guitar. But in my opinion, nothing felt useless. It adds a little bit of a fun in a game with a heavy story.

Because you get to make decisions, and choose answers, it feels like you are in the game. It pulls you in, and it’s hard to take a break from the game. I finished the game in a few days — the game isn’t super long. But if you play a few hours everyday, you can easily finish it within a week (or two?).



  • Pulls you in
  • Awesome graphics
  • Good story
  • You get to choose the end.
  • Has a bit of everything; Drama, horror, action and love.
  • Good music.
  • Different than you’re usual kind of game.
  • Talented Hollywood actors.


  • A few holes in the story here and there, but nothing drastic.
  • Annoying camera angles something.
  • Aiden’s abilities are sometimes limited, which makes you feel limited.
  • For some people it might feel like you’re only watching, and only are there to press a button or two — I didn’t feel that way.
  • Sometimes you have no choice and the game lets you shoot someone.
  • You either love it, or you hate the game.

Worth The Money?

It depends how much you pay for it. With some stores here you pay 30 and for some you pay 20. It’s an 8 hour game, so would you pay 30 bucks for a game that you can finish in a few days? But I think it’s a great game. Great graphics, great gameplay and so far I haven’t experienced any bugs in the game.



More Than A Number On The Scale

Being big, or however you want to call it. It’s something we don’t like to talk about. It’s something I don’t like to talk about. but perhaps it’s a way for myself to respect myself the way I am.

It’s The Inside That Matters?

We have to admit, being big is not healthy. I know this, you know this. I’m sure we all know this. I eat when I’m bored and when I’m emotional. I like sweet stuff, chocolate, candy, or delicious sandwiches that are everything but healthy. I know people who eat when they are stressed, or who don’t eat when they are stressed or nervous, or even sad.

Exercise is healthy, and being big will give you a bigger chance on heart-problems and much more.

I can’t dress the way I used to dress without wondering if my tummy shows, or if it makes my butt too big. I’d love to wear dresses, but I know it would look terrible on me with my big thighs, hips and legs. I want to wear clothes thin people wear, but I can’t. It’s a reason why I hate shopping, because I know I will end up depressed and with nothing. It’s difficult if you find out that your store doesn’t have your seize, or when the seize you always wear is smaller, and you still can’t fit it, even though you haven’t gained weight. Or because our chest is too big, we don’t fit in that shirt we want.

Have you noticed that people have euphemism for being overweight? Large. Plus-sized. Full-figured. Rubenesque. And no one—not even me, especially not me—wants to say the word ‘fat’. But ‘fat’ is only pejorative when we allow people to tell us that being fat somehow makes us less of a person.”

I am working on losing weight, but if you’re insecure about yourself already, and you lack that part of self-control it’s hard. You need a goal that is not impossible to reach and I need people around me who are willing to support me. I need to sport, I need to watch what I eat and it goes so damn slow before that one 1kg or 15kg is gone.

But because I’m a bigger girl, because I wear XL or L, it doesn’t make me less of a person. People judge you, and it feels like they are constantly watching what you’re eating. Or you’re laughed at, made fun of, or anything else. I am called ugly once, or people don’t like you because you have a few sizes extra. And that’s what I’m scared of, I’m scared people don’t like me because I am bigger than them.

I try to be friendly, and to help people who are in need of an extra hand. I help my co-workers whenever they need someone to help them, even if it’s in my free time. I try not to judge people. (I try!) Does this all still make me a bad person, or a sad or pathetic person because I’m big? I don’t count in because I wear an L? You’re above me, because I’m fat? You’re better than me, because I have a double chin? I don’t think so…

I’m a woman, I’m insecure, I try to look pretty sometimes too, I want to wear nice clothes. But when I look into the mirror sometimes, I’m disgusted of myself. And yes, I should grow up and get some self-control. But it’s harder than you think. So many people and kids are being bullied because of how they look like. We should stop being so cruel and be nice to each other once in a while. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.


But yes. I’m not trying to find an excuse to be fat, or saying that it’s okay to be big. We all know it’s unhealthy, but we all have our reasons. And I don’t want to know those reasons on why you’ve grown from an S to L. It’s unhealthy, and the percentage of woman who are bigger than an S or M are growing. But that shouldn’t make it okay. But big or thin, we’re more than a number on a scale. And if you’re happy with how you look, everyone will see it. Confidence is sexy. Confidence looks good on everyone, no matter how you look. (unless you’re too confident, that’s not good either)

We’re a human being, not a number on a scale. We count.

London: The Big Ben

When you’re in London, you can’t forget about the Big Ben and the house of parliament! It’s big, and you just can’t miss it! Not to mention it’s a stunning building, especially at night! It was super crowded around the Big Ben — everyone wants to take pictures of it, and of themselves with the Big Ben in the background. I looked too tired, and rather did not waste pictures of myself, haha!

Big Ben

The Big Ben is the name of the clock that is at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. Officially the tower is now called the “Elizabeth Tower”. The tower was completed in 1858.

Review: The Walking Dead Telltale Game PS3

You thought the show was good? Try again. Now that the Telltale game is out, you can now play the Walking Dead game yourself. I got the game in December and finished it in two days. I got hooked within the first 30 minutes, but why? It’s not your typical game, and not your typical zombie-game at all!


The Walking Dead Telltale Game

I got the game for the PS3, ever since I found out how much fun the PS3 really is. I never liked it, I couldn’t handle the controller well (still can’t). I’m still used to the Nintendo controller, or the Wii controller. And I still think about those buttons, Instead of the X and O on the PS3 controller. Thank god most games I play tell me which buttons to use, or else I’d fuck up (and I still do at times).

The Walking Dead TT game is not your average game. You should see it as the serie on tv, but instead of watching it, you also have to do things. The first season of the game has 6 episodes, and you can finish those episodes in 1 to 2 hours, depending on how good you are. You do get to shoot zombies so now and then, but you also follow the story, get to choose what to say or what to do and all those choices you make, and how you make your character behave have effect on the next episode.


You play Lee Everett. Lee is convicted for murdering, and taken to a prison at the beginning of the game. He doesn’t even get to arrive there, when he meets some of the undead, but is saved by Clementine. A young girl who has been hiding from the zombies, while waiting for her parents to come home, who are in Savannah for a vacation.

That’s right, you don’t play Rick Grimes, in fact, you only get to see one or two characters that you know from the tv-show. Which is good, because that means that you never really know what is going to happen.

Do I Like It?

Yes, I do! It feels like you got control over the game — even though you haven’t. The choices you make have effect on the story and the characters in the game, but the game will follow one story, and no matter what you do, the story will go one way. Example: If you don’t kill one of the characters, he will die one way or another. But that doesn’t bother me, the game makes you feel like you’re in control. You get to choose what to do, or what to say, so you feel like you’re a big part of the game.

It will play with your feelings. I thought season 1 was horrible, but season 2 will be even worse (episode 1 is out already). Clementine is a young girl, so you’re often thinking to yourself when making a choice: be nice, or tell her the harsh truth? I was often tearing up or cursing at the tv. Expect the game to be depressing, horrifying and sad — a roller-coaster of emotions! The conversations feel real, the characters react like ‘normal’ people would. That’s a good thing! It means the game is good.



If you’re looking for action, then this game might not be what you’re looking for. Tho, I know someone who plays Call Of Duty and whatever and still enjoyed the game. Yes, there is some action and shooting in it, but don’t compare it to Call of Duty. It’s a different game, different methods, different style. But that doesn’t make it a bad game.

The game feels short. You get hooked and you end up finishing it within 2 days. Maybe the episodes feel short, but once you get the hang of it, you go through those episodes so fast, because you want to know what will happen next.

the-walking-dead-screenshot-2Have you played this game already?

Happy Challenge: What Do You Want To Change?

The 4th challenge already! Which means I’m not longer behind on the challenge. I’m glad I already partly know what I want, and what my dream is. But to make it reality is the hardest part.



With the 4th challenge I talk about what I want to change. What do I want to change to become closer to my goal. Just randomly changing things would be a bit useless, and because this is the Happy Challenge, it has everything to do with the previous challenges (values, what’s your dream, vision-board).

The challenge: Think of 3 things you want to add in your life, and 3 things you want to spend less energy on.

3 Things I Want To Add In My Life

To follow my dream and to succeed, I need to have knowledge about… You guessed it — cats! I need to know everything about their behavior, but also about the specific breeds and everything that comes with that. And to get all this knowledge I need to read and study. But I know it will be all be worth it.

Not something that will get me closer to my goal, but it’s something that I really want to do. Travel more, and see more beautiful places! It makes me feel free, and that makes me happy. A happy me > motivated me. If I’m happy, nothing can bring me down any more.

To feel good about myself, and to become less insecure, I need to sport. Sport is known to release this pheromone that makes us feel good — right? I don’t know, but sport always makes me feel good. Unless its fitness, because that makes me feel awkward or even more insecure. I prefer dancing or running. I get fat easily, so I have to watch what I eat, and do sports.

3 Things I Want To Spend Less Energy On

I like my comfort-zone. It makes me feel safe, and in my comfort zone nothing can go wrong. But in order to get to my goal, I need to step out of my comfort-zone, and that is difficult! I want to stay there where it’s safe and warm! I hate making mistakes and going to places I’ve never been.

I procrastinate I lot! “I’ll write that article tomorrow”, and tomorrow I’ll say the same thing. It’s not only about writing, but also with other things, especially if it is about getting out of my comfort-zone. I need to stop postponing things and do them now!

Let It Go
There are things that I need to let go off in order to be happy. Things I worry about or that trouble me. I have the tendency to think about it a lot and get a hold of it, until it drives me crazy or I get a panic-attack. I need to let go of things, and move in.

Inspiration: Snow

I want snow! It’s winter here in Holland, but there hasn’t been any snow ever since this cold season started. It only snowed when I was in London, but even in London we didn’t see any snow, and we got back in Holland it looked like it hadn’t snowed at all.

I have a love/hate thing going on with snow. I love snow! But I don’t like it when I have to go to work. I love snow when I have a day off. I love snow, but I don’t like it when it gets all mushy and the salt on the street makes it all.. Icky. But I’m afraid we don’t have to expect snow in Holland this year. So I’ll put myself in the mood with these photos.

Do you like snow?

Photo’s by
Evan Leeson
Paul Moody
Dave Inman
Linda Yvonne
Maziar Hooshmand
Tambako the Jaguar
Dawn Ellner
Dennis Collette
Martin Sojka

Happy Challenge: Vision-board

The next challenge of the Happy Challenge was to create a vision-board.So gathered all my magazines, and went looking for pretty pictures!

My Vision Board

A vision board reflects your personality and that what you like and what is important in your life. I chose for images, words and quotes that I thought would fit with my personality and what I want, and what my dream is. You can see the vision-board as a way to make your dream(s) more real.

I made a vision-board before (here), but this one feels totally different, yet the same!

The one on the left is the vision board I made in 2013, and the one on the right is the one I made today. The one from 2013 looks like a chaos, but a happy chaos. Lots of cats, just like the new one.


As you can see I have put some cats in the middle of the vision board. It’s the centre, and something that is the most important to me right now. Around that I gathered words, and quotes, or sentences that fit the most with how I feel about my dream, or my life.

Hover over the image for a translation.

Words like kracht/power, toekomst/future, wees dapper/be brave and kattengedrag/catbehavior describe how I feel right now. I need the power, to be brave to make my dream come true in the future, as I want to become a catbehaviorist. While the feather stands for freedom.

I like how this vision board turned out. It looks happy, hopeful and not too chaotic! I’m looking for a place where I can hang it, or place it somewhere in room where I can see it everyday, and be reminded of my dream.

Happy Challenge: What’s Your Dream?

Read here about the Happy Challenge.


Achieving Your Goals

This week it’s all about the ultimate dream!

What is your dream? There may be a lot of things you want to achieve or dream about, but what is your dream, really? Your biggest, ultimate dream? It took me a long time to finally be able to accept what my dream was. A lot of people find it weird or funny and don’t understand it. It doesn’t matter, in the end I’m the one who wants to achieve that dream. But the weird reactions can be painful.

Following your dream won’t be easy, but who said life was ever easy? But it will make you happier and make life easier to life. Even if you only achieve a little bit of that dream, at least you achieved something! It’s better than nothing!

Before My Dream

Before I figured out what I really wanted, I had no idea what I was doing, and I had no idea what I wanted to be. As a child I already had a love for animals and I wanted to be a vet. But I also wanted to be a singer, an actor and be famous — oh and be rich! Now I’m 23, and neither of these things.

After highschool I decided to do a social-worker study. It was nothing for me. It was boring and very depressive. I couldn’t see myself working with people who were on drugs, were depressed or anything like that. So after a half year I changed study and decided to go with Fashion Design. Not my thing either.

So almost 6 years ago I changed studies again: Hospitality Management. After the second year I found out that this was also something I didn’t want to do in the future, but I was determined to finish this study. I had to! It was my 3rd already! I do want to start my own business, but not a restaurant or a hotel. In the hospitality business you find out how people really are…

My Biggest Dream?

My dream is to become a cat behaviorist. I don’t care if I get famous or not, all I want is to work with cats and their owners. I want to help them, and decrease the number of cats who end up in shelters because they pee next to the litter box. I want to teach their owners the best ways to treat cats, I want to teach children about cats and to respect animals. I want to write a book about it, and blog about it (which I already do on my other blog).

Photo by Domiketu.

Photo by Domiketu.

But let’s be honest; it’s not going to be easy. It will cost a lot of money, time and energy. I also have to step out of my comfort zone, and out of my house. I have to do things and set goals. It won’t be easy, I will fall, and get back up — that’s life. But stepping out of my comfort zone is the hardest thing ever.

It took me nearly a year to finally register to that feline behavior study (it starts in August). And I still find it difficult to tell people what I’m going to study and why I like it so much. It’s difficult to explain a passion, or your biggest dream if it comes from your heart. The “I want to help owners and their cats, and decrease the number of cats in the shelter” doesn’t seem to be enough for a lot of people. But that’s okay, as long as it counts for me.

Animals In Need

Another big passion of mine is helping animals in need. I’m not just talking dogs and cats here. But when I see clips or movies about animals that are in danger, or animals that being tested on, or have been years in the shelter without being adopted. I get this feeling in my chest that I find absolutely hard to explain.

Photo by Vinoth Chandar.

Photo by Vinoth Chandar.

It makes me cry (- thinking about it already makes me tear up), it makes me cringe, I get this huge feeling of desperation. Honestly, I don’t know how to explain it in words. I can’t find the right words, desperation doesn’t seem to fit the feeling, but it gets as close as possible. It makes me want to do something — I have to do something, but what? But I don’t know how to help those animals. I don’t have the money, and maybe not the resources. But it’s a dream of me to ever be able to help animals in need.

What is your ultimate dream?